Orange Lamborghini

The history of this prestigious, luxury vehicle has shown that the orange Lamborghini is one color that car owners do continue to choose. It is somewhere in the color range between a bold, bright yellow and the world-famous, racing-red color. Orange makes a statement of confidence as well as elegance and demonstrates this as the powerful vehicle zooms past.

A few varying shades are used on the different Lamborghini models. These color shades vary between flat, standard and metallic in appearance. The flat orange, Arancio Ymir, and metallic orange, Arancio Borealis, are used on the Gallardo model. The Murcielago model is detailed with Arancio Ishtar and also Arancio Atlas as a special color orange.

Lamborghini enthusiasts continue to enjoy a wide range of different colors that can be selected and used when the new luxury car is purchased. The orange Lamborghini is one of these colors that are sure to continue well into the future, even as Lamborghini approaches its 50th anniversary celebrations.

Orange Lamborghini Insecta
Orange Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560
Orange Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
Orange Lamborghini Diablo

Check out other Lamborghini colors!
