Temporary Car Insurance

The options for car insurance are not limited to only one. If you will just search for the other options you might just be able to come across the temporary car insurance. It is a new type of car insurance policy with the capability to cover your car for just 28 days. The usual maximum for this type of car insurance policy is 28 days but there are other consecutive policies which the customer may consider. Others, perhaps, will still tell you that having permanent car insurance is more beneficial than having a temporary one. Before you decide whether this type of insurance is really for you, be acquainted first with its advantages and disadvantages.

Accidents can happen unexpectedly at anytime.
Photo by: cygnus921, Creative Commons

The advantage of having temporary car insurance is that since it covers a maximum of 28 days only, it is a lot cheaper compared to the annual policy. If you are not a frequent car user, you may benefit from this type of insurance since you will not need the car insurance every day. The temporary car insurance may also prove to be beneficial for you in certain circumstances. If you dislike filling out those difficult annual application forms, you would probably develop an attachment to this new type of insurance since you only have to answer a few questions and you can even do it online.

In some insurance policies, you have to wait for quite some time before the documents are posted and the insurance is activated. With this kind of insurance, the insurance will be activated immediately, and if you have a printer, you can even print the necessary documents while being in the comfort of your home. You may also discover that the daily car insurance policy is very comprehensive. Temporary car insurance comes handy when you need to drive a car which belongs to a relative or a friend. Since you are not the owner of the car, in case there is damage or an accident involving it, you will certainly want to have the damage fixed because you want to continue being in good terms with your relative or friend. By making use of the policy, you can have the car fixed in no time while being devoid of nervousness or panic attacks because something wrong happened to your friend’s car.

The disadvantage, however, is that the price of a temporary car insurance is expensive. Some agencies which offer this type of car insurance will only provide you a set amount of coverage for ordinary car accidents and not for those estranged car accidents. If you are still convinced that this is the type of car insurance that will suit you best despite its disadvantages, you may obtain it from car insurance companies which will offer you more discounts if you work with them for a long time. You can find these various companies and agencies through the insurance broker websites. Once you are able to find the agency of your preference, you may now choose among a variety of alternatives which will cater to your needs.

Temporary Car Insurance
