How to Change Oil in a Car

Learning how to change your oil can help you save a few extra dollars. Apart from the financial advantages brought by the skill, regularly changing your car engine oil keeps the engines clean and functioning efficiently. The general health of the engine depends on the oil in the same way your body depends on your blood. Ensuring that your car engine runs on clean oil will let extend the life expectancy of your car.

Have the Right Tools

Before changing your car oil you need the correct tools. By this, we do not mean just the handy tools but safety tools as well. Wear your old clothes or ones that don’t care about dirtying. Have your safety goggles to make sure that foreign objects do not get into your eyes. Wear latex gloves to protect your skin from used oil. Repeated and prolonged exposure to used oil can cause skin cancer.

As for the handy tools, prepare wrenches that fit the size of your oil filter and oil drain plug. Sizes of drain plugs and oil filters differ with the car make and model so make sure that you have your wrenches in the correct size. Have a large container where you can put the used oil into. Do not forget your rags and a funnel that is for automotive use.

Of course, you must have your new car engine oil and oil filter with you. The frequency of changing the oil filter varies so check your user manual for that. It is also important to pay close attention on the engine oil that you are going to use. Make sure that it has the right viscosity and the correct grade according to API (American Petroleum Institute). Always check the manual for this information.

Changing the Oil

1. Before draining the oil, run the engine for a few minutes. This is to set the operating temperature of the oil to normal. Warm oil flows more lithely than when it is cold. This way, you can be sure to drain the oil and all the dirt that accumulated in it. Do not forget to turn the engine off before slipping under.

2. If your car has a low clearance, you may need to use a jack. You may also use a platform or drive on ramp where you can put the car on so that there is enough space for you to move. Always make sure that the car is on a flat surface to ensure that the used oil is drained completely.

3. If you are using jacks, make sure that the jack stand is of high quality. Nobody wants to have his car fall on him while changing the oil. If you are using a drive-on ramp, make sure that you have something to restrain it. A block of wood is enough for the job. Put the blocks behind the wheels to ensure that the car stays in place. If you are not sure about the correct points where to put the jack, you may ask a mechanic. Watching mechanics do their jobs when you have your car serviced will greatly help.

4. Before you work under the vehicle, make sure that you are wearing your safety gear. Keep in mind that some parts under the vehicle are hot. Be cautious. The engine oil pan is easily identifiable so you will not have any problems finding it. Once you find the drain plug on the bottom edge, put the container where you will put the used oil.

5. Using the proper wrench, unscrew the drain plug. Take note that to loosen it, you must twist it in a counter clockwise motion. The pressure of the oil will push the drain plug once it is loose enough. Since the oil is hot, just let the drain plug fall into the drain pan. Save your hand from the goo and the burn.

6. To drain the oil faster, you may want to open the top cover of the engine oil tank. This allows air to occupy the space freely as the oil is drained down. It may take a few minutes before the oil gets totally drained. If you are sure that the engine oil tank is empty, inspect the drain plug washer. Replace a metal washer if it is no longer flat. Replace a rubber washer if it is damaged.

7. This time, look for the oil filter and remove it using the appropriate tools. Make sure that the wrench tightly grips the filter and twist it in counter clockwise motion. It may be a little hard to remove the filter. Just make sure that the wrench holds the filter tight and be patient. After you have the filter removed, wipe the mounting area using a clean rag. Wipe the filter housing section until all the used oil is gone.

8. You are now ready to install a new oil filter. Before mounting it, coat it with the new oil. Mount it accordingly. Wipe the oil drain plug and its mounting area before sealing it. Be sure to follow the specifications regarding tightness: this information is available in the user manual.

9. Once you have the oil filter installed and the oil tank sealed, you may now put the new engine oil through the lubricant depository. Pour the oil using your automotive funnel. Once you have put the right amount of oil, wipe the opening with a clean rag and seal it. Start the engine and check every related part to make sure that there is no leak. Once you are sure that there are no leaks, turn the engine off and check the level of the engine oil.

10. Do not forget to clean up after changing your oil. Used oil is hazardous so observe proper waste disposal. Using a funnel, transfer the used oil to a sealable container. Take it to your local automotive shop so that it can be properly disposed.

How to Change Your Oil Video
